Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day One

This Blog is about my journey and discovery. I recently started reading So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore, by Wayne Jacobsen and Dave Coleman. Stefani and I have been disillusioned by the so-called "Body of Christ" for some time now, and we have been struggling with our feelings and questions. Should we be going to church? Why don't we like church? Where do we fit in with church? With God? With life?

A good friend of ours recommended the book (thank you Grace), and after checking out some reviews, and looking at the website, I decided to take the plunge. I have only been reading it for a couple of days, a few minutes at a time, but so far I like it.

I quick run-down of the book (you can read more on the website). It is fictional, about a pastor named Jake Colsen. He is dealing with the frustrations of church, and meets a guy that he is convinced is John the Baptist; or at the very least, a true disciple of Jesus. The man's name is even John. John seems to have a relationship with Jesus that is beyond our modern day comprehension, and Jake wants that, too. He seems to be full of answers, and Jake is full of questions.

Like I said, I just started the book, but I have been wanting to start this blog for a while now.

Thanks for joining me on my journey.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you decided to read this book - I am going to get it and read it too! Due to my own dilemma ~ I will gladly follow along on this journey with you!
    Oceans of Love &
