Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Are you trying to impress me?

In our daily human existence, we try to please people - our spouse, our boss, our parents. Why do we try to please God? He is pleased with us already - He loves us the way we are. We don't have to do anything else but accept His love. Does this mean we go on in our human lives living the way we did before accepting His love? If we love someone, we want to do things that make them happy. I have to admit, I am a little confused. Why should I change my ways just because I am a Christian? If God loves me the way that I am, and I don't have to try and please Him, then what? Is it okay to do things that the "church" society says are against the rules?

This is rather freeing, really. Why not drink, smoke, sleep around, speed, steal, and anything else that you once did? I don't do a lot of these things because they are displeasing to OTHERS, not God.

Crumb! Now I've done it, I am completely befuddled again. This is a very easy question when I am using the old paradigm, but the shifting makes it harder.

Someone help me out!


  1. To impress or not to impress ~
    That is the question?

    "Love is the willingness to accept ourselves and others for who we are and who we are not.
    I love you." ~ Werner Erhardt

    Food for Thought ~

    For me Loving is about giving myself & or others the gift of Grace.

    Will I choose to allow myself the freedom to do what feels right and comfortable to me without berating myself & will I choose to NOT allow others people's judgments about me to affect me negatively ~
    and at that point . . .
    I have 2 choices ~
    Maintaining my joy
    Losing my joy?

    If I can maintain my joy then I am being true to myself & my God.

    Oceans of Love &

  2. All good points - thanks Grace.

    I seriously considered removing this post immediately after writing it, as it sounded to me like a jumble of confusion, but I thought "what the heck! leave it up and let others see that I am not in complete control of these feelings" :)
