Saturday, July 10, 2010

All done- first run…

I finished the book. It ended well. I have to admit that I half expected it to end with the main character (Jake) going back to church and being a pastor and doing everything he was doing before. That didn’t happen – it ended with him truly being a changed person.

I cried a few times, reading about the experiences of others. There were many times when I thought “I want that” or “I have that, but no one understands”, and even a few times when I thought “No shit, Sherlock! What was your first clue?”. Many of the same feelings and struggles that Jake went through, Stefani and I go through, and we have the same feelings.

I can say that we know what we are looking for, we just don’t know what that looks like. We knew this before I started reading the book. The book did not really answer any questions, but it is bringing light to those questions, and it is helping us answer them. Just like John would never completely answer most of Jake’s questions, or tell him directly how to end his struggle, I understand that God will answer our questions. He will show us, through Jesus, what it is supposed to look like.

I am going to read it again! I am going to continue re-reading it until “Jake Colsen” either puts out another one, or until I am able to start seeing more answers that questions.

Thanks for reading with me, and I hope that you stick around for more.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Doug!

    I just this morning finished the 2nd to the last chapter of the book and I can't wait to read the last chapter.

    And, I thought the same thing you did - I am going to keep reading this book over and over until it sinks into me and becomes my second nature. BTW - if you find another of his books let me know ASAP!

    You know, Doug, maybe we are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing all along ~ maybe our uncomfortableness with the church was a Scratch ~ God WANTED / WANTS ~ us to itch.

    I encourage you both to follow your joy.

    I am choosing to ~ stop trying to control myself and others ~ as I begin to follow my own joy cause I never before allowed myself this freedom. I was too busy trying to be what I am not to please someone in my life or to look like what I thought I was supposed to look like.

    All I can say is, To Heck with that from now on.

    I am so excited to see where this (MY) journey is going to lead me . . . who knows ~ my dreams just may come true!

    Love is my own willingness to love myself the way I am and the way I am not - cause - God loves me just the way I am.

    Oceans of Love &
