I want to write this as a communication with God. I don't want anyone to read it. If you are reading this, and you are not God, I apologize for what you are about to see. This could get raw...
God, I want to take this opportunity to whine a little. Some things have happened to us lately that really suck, and I am not too happy about it. I think maybe you already know about it, but I have some things to get off my chest.
A couple years ago we almost moved to Mexico. I'm not going to go into that one too much, because you already know how I feel about it, and I think I already know how you feel about it too. The point of this is, when we did not move to Mexico to live our dream, we were granted a consolation prize ... a beautiful condo on the beach. We have enjoyed this consolation prize for over two years. We have enjoyed the patio, the garden, the walks on the beach, the coffee shops and restaurants, and the life of being a beach side dweller. I don't feel like I am done here yet, but life has a different idea.
As you also already know, my job of almost five years was ripped from me without notice. I didn't like the job ... at all ... but I was trying to live with it, and find something comparable to switch to. I was hoping for something either with around the same pay, or with some great benefits or something to make up for it. I was not looking for a minimum wage job. I knew that I could not afford to live in this great beach side condo if I was only making minimum wage.
So, here we get to the bone I want to pick with you, God. What the heck is going on? No Mexico ... instead, I have to go back to my crappy well-paid job, trying to find something else. I get a great place on the beach, and enjoy it for two years, then my life gets dumped in the toilet and I find myself working part time for a little more than minimum wage. Now we are losing this great place, and in order to get caught up on bills, and try and make ends meet, we are moving into a place that is nothing like "second best".
Okay, I know, I need to get Mexico out of my head ... I need to pretend that it was never on the table.
You've given us some great blessings over the years, but along with those blessings, some really shitty screwed up stuff has crapped on us. Just when our business was starting to pick up, I have a stroke and get sick and can't keep working on the business. Still trying to figure that one out. Last summer's back issue was a great time, thanks.
Damn, I am so negative. How about You help me to think positive. Let me try that for a second, and see what that looks like ...
... this is tough
... okay, here goes.
The new place that we are looking at, and more than likely moving into, is ready for us right now! That means we can start packing and get it over with, and get on with things quicker. Furthermore, our current landlord is trying to find someone for the 15th, so we can do it sooner, and maybe not have to pay double rent!
The new place is still close to work, and we won't have to walk a mile to get to the nearest bus stop, or take a bus that only runs once an hour.
I am liked at my new job. People there respect me, and even though the pay is not that great, and the benefits won't come for a year, there is opportunity for advancement, and with my previous experience, that advancement might come a little quicker.
We have some great friends, and even if we end up moving to Calgary, Comox, or Prince Rupert, they will still be our friends.
We still have our car. Nothing more needs to be said about that!
We have a really fun cat.
Okay, we are still very blessed, I understand that. I just need to focus more on what have, and not what we have lost.
By the way, I am ready for something to happen, something good, something wonderful, something positive and fulfilling.
Thanks for listening.
And if anyone got this far, thanks for reading.
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